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Note 44.111 MOUNT-L 111 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 36 lines 14-SEP-1992 07:59
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 36 lines 14-SEP-1992 07:59
Date: 01-Sep-1992
Posted-date: 01-Sep-1992


I guess I must respond; it's not like there ain't enough room on the list
these days! Lee, I too went from Alaska to Jesup. I really did like Jesup
but as you say, there aren't very many hills to climb. I did find some
relief in the cypress swamps between Jesup and Brunswick ( if you enjoy
true wilderness without too many people).

Michael, I'm a has been with too many medical problems to ever climb again
so I too enjoy reading about other folk's climbs. I must cast my vote for
'greatest climbing destination' as Alaska. The people are great and the
turf is virtually pristine if you go to the right place. Denali has been
raped, but it is still enjoyable. I highly recommend the interior and the
lesser visited mountains of the Brooks Range. I think it's neat to sleep
with large caliber handguns and have the environment where large carnivores
roam freely and have the potential to make one the hunted rather than the
hunter. The whole state has some well maintained trail systems and (Lee)
some great canoe trips as well. You can find just about any level on the
slopes and the water (plenty of class 5 rapids!). The guide fees for the
more difficult peaks (highly recommended and down right illegal to be without
in some cases) aren't terribly expensive as such things go these days. Ditto
on the fly-in fees as the state has very few roads and more planes per capita
than any other state in the union. Used to (and my friends in Anchorage and
Talkeetna still say it's the same) you could fly in to remote fishing and
camps for a very reasonable fee. (The fishing is world class!) Dang, I
wish I was there now instead of stuck in North Louisiana.

Oh well, enough of my musings; let me know if you want further stuff on
Alaskan destinations. By the by, Lee where are you in South Georgia?



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