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Note 44.126 MOUNT-L 126 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 29 lines 18-DEC-1992 07:00
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 29 lines 18-DEC-1992 07:00

Date: 18-Dec-1992
Posted-date: 18-Dec-1992

>Along with a couple of my friends we are planning to climb, trek in the
>Mont Blanc group. We plan to go up to the top from the Gouter refug e,
>and sleep at the Vallot ref.. Is there anybody out there who knows how
>long this might take from Chamonix. Next day we plan to go down to the

You need one day to climb to the Vallot, and another to reach the peak
and descend back to Vallot and in the valley. This can be also done from
the Gouter hut. You can descend also to Valle Blanche, but this is longer
and more difficult. If you decide so, you may spend the second night in
the hut somewhere in the middle of Valle Blanche (I don't remember the
name). But I would recommend another direction: Take the cable lift from
Cham to the Aig. du Midi and climb M. Blanc from that side over M.B.
du Tacul and descend to Vallot. This is enough for one day. Once you are
back in the valley, you can make another trip by cable lift to Aug. du Midi
and cross the upper part of Valle Blanche to Brenva Bivouac. One day is
enough for that.

You will certainly need some guide book and map for more detailed

Good luck,


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