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Note 44.147 MOUNT-L 147 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 31 lines 11-MAY-1993 15:20
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 31 lines 11-MAY-1993 15:20
Subj: USFS and USNPS Wilderness Areas

Date: 11-May-1993
Posted-date: 11-May-1993

I have been on this list for the better part of six months and found
the activity negligible. I am with Ken: Let's discuss or disappear.

I grew up in South West Montana, so I am well acquainted with both the
the Pintler and the Bob Marshall Widerness Areas. I have lived several
years in several different locations of Alaska and have winessed first
the dictatorial powers of the National Park Service, particularly in
the Lake Clark, Denali and Gates of the Arctic. Neither the Forest Service
not the National Park Service have instituted fees, regulations or
procedures which have benefited the general public of the United States.
In fact, their protective structures are so influenced by special
interest groups as to make their future actions at best dubious. In
every case that I am privy to, the fees and the regulations have been to
the benefit of certain outfitters and guides operating at access locations
to the areas. If you as a citizen are rich enough to pay a minimum of
$1000 / day, the rules and regulations make sense. However, if you are a
poor working stiff only interested in a few sojourns during a vacation
for climbing, hiking, camping, fishing, etc., forget it. These areas are
essentially unavailable. As a lover of mountains, wilderness and the
solitude of outdoor life, I find the USFS and the USNPS obstacles rather
facilitating these experiences.

Walt Olson
Michigan Technological University


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