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nedelja 26.maj 2024 - 03:37 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Note 44.212 MOUNT-L 212 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 33 lines 1-OCT-1993 14:29
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 33 lines 1-OCT-1993 14:29
Subj: Bibler single wall tents

Has anyone used Bibler or other single wall tents? These tents
incorporate single water-proof breathable (Gore-Tex like) layer on the
top instead of the usual 2 layers. Although I have not heard or read
anything bad about this type of design, I wonder how much moisture
will condense inside given that it is raining and cold outside.

I have used a Black Diamond Megamid, which is a single wall tent. It
is essentially a tent fly with a center pole. Of course it doesn't
breath, so large amounts of water condense on the under side and run
down to the ground. But since it doesn't have a floor, the water
doesn't run under the sleeping bags.

It seems to me that even with a breathable top there will be
condensation on the inside (much more when cold and raining). As I
have experienced with standard 2 layer tents when the fly is not put
on, large amounts of condensation can run down the top making a pool
in the bottom of the tent. Of course, the lowest point is always
under the sleeping bag. I do so enjoy waking up in a wet bag.

Any comments or experiences with single layer tent?

Willie Hunt


For real fun if raining heavily, pitch the tent in a field with tall
grass using a tarp many times larger than the footprint of the tent.
If positioned carefully, the tarp makes giant bowl collecting rain.
While inside the tent you will feel like you are on a water bed. If
your tent floor isn't properly seam sealed, you will feel like you are
on a leaky water bed.


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