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sobota 18.maj 2024 - 20:42 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Novejši prispevki: (30)

Note 44.222 MOUNT-L 222 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 28 lines 8-NOV-1993 08:07
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 28 lines 8-NOV-1993 08:07
Subj: Re: Sleeping at 4800 m

The aspect of living at altitude which I can contribute is the problem of weight
loss at altitude. While the cause of weight loss at altitude is unknown to
field of sports nutrition, the phenomenon is well documented and considered an
adversity. I say this because not too many mountaineers have an excess of body
fat, therefore ( and this is well documented too) the weight loss is generally
due to a loss of muscle mass. I would also add that it is not entirely
understood why those people who live on the Tibetan Plateau have not vanished
completely by the same mechanism. So it is possible to maintain weight at
altitude. In fact, a researcher by the name of Gail Butterfield studied
a group of individuals at the top of Pikes Peak (5,500 m) and found that it
was possible to maintain body weight by feeding them more than they wanted
to eat, based upon appetite. Furthermore, she found that carbohydrates were
the best fuel source for maintaining weight.

Here are some basic recomendations:
- force yourself to eat
- take foods that are easily consumed - high energy, powders
- always add carbohydrate powder drink mix to your water, don't drink water

I'm interested to hear other comments regarding living at altitude.
Hope this is of some help.


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