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Note 44.234 MOUNT-L 234 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 27 lines 17-NOV-1993 12:26
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 27 lines 17-NOV-1993 12:26
Subj: Re: Rock Climbing anyone?
Date: 16-Nov-1993
Posted-date: 16-Nov-1993

Does anyone know of a list that is devoted to hiking and backpacking?

Or is this it?

What I am looking for is a list where people talk about types of gear, tips
and hints on camping techniques (ie, reducing the weight of the pack), flora
and fauna (ie, edible and medicinal plants, bear encounters, etc), trip
reports, and maybe even the opportunity to organize and join others on
a weekend backpacking trip. It just seems that this list has been devoted
primarily to climbing... not that I am biased, but that I see the climbing
that I occassional do as a secondary benefit of my primary recreation that
I call Backpacking. What I am looking for is a list whose population
discusses these other issues as readily as they do climbing. Can anyone
tell me if such a list exists?

Ken Boettger

Backpacking defined: Enjoying the TOTAL outdoor experience.



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