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Note 44.268 MOUNT-L 268 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 54 lines 3-DEC-1993 07:51
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 54 lines 3-DEC-1993 07:51
Subj: Justthinking

Date: 02-Dec-1993
Posted-date: 02-Dec-1993

Hello all:

It's great to see such a flurry of activity on this list.

Willie, great recount of your epic. Truly thought provoking, entertaining and
motivational. Reading your tale and the replies reminded me of a saying that I
remember from my days in the Marine Corps.

"You have never lived 'til you have almost died and for those who fight for
life has a flavor the protected shall never know." -unknown.

Although originally martial, I think that it translates nicely for anyone
been in the position where strength, courage and appropriate action has made the
difference between a riveting tale and a requiem.

I truly hope that Willie's story has started a trend on this mailing list. It
would be great to read about the experiences then ensuing commentary of those on
this list. The dialogue that this medium allows sure beats reading the same
in a magazine or book.

On a entirely different note, does anyone have personal eperiences or
(good or bad) on THE NORTH FACE: Firefly NHP 2-Man 3 Season tent? I have the
opportunity to buy one new @ 50% off suggested retail which coincides with the
to replace my current wigwam. I just don't want to buy something that won't suit
my 3 season+ needs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Replies can be
to MOUNT-L or directly to my INet address listed below. Thanks in advance!

Climb On,



Jeffrey D. Leedham, Microcomputer Coordinator
Academic Computer Center
Roger Williams University
Bristol, RI 02809-2921
Phone: (401) 254-3066, INET: JEFFL@ACC.RWU.EDU



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