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Note 44.270 MOUNT-L 270 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 30 lines 3-DEC-1993 07:51
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 30 lines 3-DEC-1993 07:51
Subj: The Grand, climbing poetry, etc...

Date: 03-Dec-1993
Posted-date: 03-Dec-1993

Willie, I really enjoyed reading your account of your Grand Teton Trip.
I have had several similar experiences while climbing in the Pacific
Nortwest. The poetry contribution by Carl reminded me of a quotation that
I think of when I reach those difficult climbing moments that we all have.
It's from High Conquest by James Ramsey Ullman - a story about the initial
attempts to climb Everest. It goes like this:

"A man climbs because he need to climb, because that is the
way he is made. Rock, ice, wind and the blue canopy of
the sky are not all that he finds upon the mountaintops. He
discovers things about his own body and mind that he has
almost forgotten in the day to day, year to year routine of
living. He learns what his legs are for, what the wise men
of old meant by 'refreshment of the spirit'."

Sigh!!!! Maybe one of these days I'll get back out there for a climb
or two!!!

Fred Crooks
Henderson Community College

Where the mountains are far far away...


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