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Note 44.290 MOUNT-L 290 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 52 lines 19-JAN-1994 16:06
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 52 lines 19-JAN-1994 16:06
Subj: Regulator for Headlamps

Date: 18-Jan-1994
Posted-date: 18-Jan-1994

Since every other caving and climbing group has gotten this message in
one form or another I am posting it here too:

I have a schematic and documentation for a high efficiency voltage
regulator which provides constant brightness lighting over most of the
battery capacity. This regulator can be used with various types of
batteries and bulbs to deliver almost all the availible power from the
battery to the bulb without variation of brightness. It is
inexpensive and small, but does require some electronic construction
experience since I am not providing a kit or turn-key module.

I have used this regulator for caving for over a year now, and
mountaineering since last summer. I find it to be invaluable since it
more than doubles what I consider the useable capacity of the AA
alkaline batteries I use for mountaineering. This means I can carry
far less weight in batteries for a long trip for the same number of
hours of headlamp use. For caving, I don't know how to live without
it. I use rechargeable lead-acid batteries with a 4.5 watt halogen
bulb. I am so spoiled by the brightness that anything less just
doesn't let me enjoy the cave as well.

I will send anyone who is interested the info. via Email, if you send
me a request. The schematic is in postscript and the documentation in
ASCII. If you don't have a postscript printer, I will send you info
via US mail. I don't want to post the stuff to the group since the
files are long.

Willie Hunt


I sometimes wonder why I always do climbs that have to be done at
night. Even if the climb can be done in the day, I always wind up on
it at night. Oh well, I guess I am doomed to night climbing, which
really isn't that bad with a good headlamp.


Because of the large number of requests from other groups there is a
very good chance that printed circuit boards, kits, and mabey even
assembled and tested modules will be available.

Willie Hunt


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