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Note 44.291 MOUNT-L 291 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 72 lines 20-JAN-1994 10:11
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 72 lines 20-JAN-1994 10:11
Subj: Regulator for Headlamps

Date: 19-Jan-1994
Posted-date: 19-Jan-1994

Because of the large number of requests from various caving and
climbing groups from previous postings, I have worked up a price list
for my headlamp voltage regulator as a bare printed circuit board,
kit, or assembled and tested based on price quotes I have received. I
can not guarantee these prices but I will try to stick with them. For
those who missed the previous postings see below. I need to get a
reasonable number of people to at least say they will buy them, before
I commit well over $1000 of my money to buying PCB's and parts.
Here's the prices:

Schematic and Documentation Free just Email
Bare printed circuit board $10
Kit: PCB plus parts $20
Assembled and tested $30

If I get over 100 PCB requests I can cut the cost of the PCB's to $7
and cut even further over 250 to $5. I had guessed about the PCB
price at $5 before, so people who responded to that price need to
respond to the $10 price. Shipping can be done via US mail for $1 for
the PCB and $2 for the kit or A&T in the US. It will take me about 1
month to get stuff ready for shipment so all I want from potential
customers at present is how many units they will buy. I will be
taking the financial risk on this one, and I will be lucky to break
even on costs.

Let me also explain that the kit will include all the parts for the
PCB but not any external stuff like wiring, power switch, box, battery
holder, etc. Since this regulator can be used with many types of
batteries and bulbs, it is also up to the user to select the battery
and bulb combination that suits his needs. I can help with this
selection via Email, and the documentation covers most questions about
it. The assembled and tested unit is just the kit put together,
tested, and calibrated. The user will want to put the board inside
the headlamp or other box. If the unit is going to be immersed in
water the box will have to be water tight or the unit will have to be

For those who missed previous postings:

I have a schematic and documentation for a high efficiency voltage
regulator which provides constant brightness lighting over most of the
battery capacity. This regulator can be used with various types of
batteries and bulbs to deliver almost all the availible power from the
battery to the bulb without variation of brightness.

I have used this regulator for caving for over a year now, and
mountaineering since last summer. For mountain trips I find it to be
invaluable since it more than doubles what I consider the useable
capacity of 5 AA'a alkaline batteries running a 0.8 watt bulb. I get
13 hours of light vs. about 4 hours for 3 AA's running the same bulb.
This means I can carry far less weight in batteries for a long trip
for the same number of hours of headlamp use. For caving, I use 6
volt 6.5 AH or 10 AH rechargeable lead-acid batteries with a 4.5 watt
halogen bulb. I get 9 hours from the 6.5 AH pack and 16 hours from
the 10 AH of constant brightness light. I am so spoiled by the
brightness that anything less just doesn't let me enjoy the cave as

I will send anyone who is interested the info. via Email, if you send
me a request. The schematic is in postscript and the documentation in
ASCII. If you don't have a postscript printer, I will send you info
via US mail. I don't want to post the stuff to the group since the
files are long, and I can answer question when you request the info.

Willie Hunt


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