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sobota 18.maj 2024 - 22:55 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Novejši prispevki: (30)

Note 44.302 MOUNT-L 302 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 37 lines 31-JAN-1994 08:27
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 37 lines 31-JAN-1994 08:27
From: STENAR::STENAR::MRGATE::"X400::1=de::2=d400::3=tr::5=edu::4=metu::4=cc::4=vm::6=MOUNT-L" 26-JA
Subj: High altitude medical lit.

From: NAME: Mountaineering Discussion List MOUNT-L
FUNC: edu <6=MOUNT-L@4=VM@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>
To: NAME: Multiple Recipients of
FUNC: edu <6=MOUNT-L@4=VM@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>

< Note: Charles S Houston asked MOUNT-L: >
< >
< If any of those on this list are interested in discussing illness and >
< wellness on high mountains, or knows of any existing discussion group >
< where we could look at these subjects, please tell me I would like to >
< look at any data or any specific materials that may not get into the >
< medical literature. >

--------------------- end of C. S. Houston's post ------------------------

I don't have THE answer you're looking for, but here's a lead to follow-up:

About 10 years ago, an expedition of medical doctors-cum-mountaineers climbed
Mt. Everest from the Nepal side. Their explicit purpose was to research the
physiological effects of strenuous activity at high altitudes. From memory,
many of these doctors made the summit wearing monitoring and recording devices
which provided excellent data for laboratory analysis. That's all I recall.

Why not find the literature and summarize it for us on MOUNT-L? Doubtless, we
would appreciate knowing the outcome and would benefit from the knowledge.

Best regards,

Rich Carl < * adp3s@msu.bitnet >
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan USA


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