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Note 44.329 MOUNT-L 329 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 45 lines 1-MAR-1994 08:19
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 45 lines 1-MAR-1994 08:19
From: STENAR::STENAR::MRGATE::"X400::1=de::2=d400::3=tr::5=EDU::4=METU::4=CC::4=VM::6=MOUNT-L" 2-FE
Subj: Re: ReŠ2]: High altitude medical lit.

From: NAME: Mountaineering Discussion List MOUNT-L
FUNC: edu <6=MOUNT-L@4=VM@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>
To: NAME: Multiple Recipients of
FUNC: edu <6=MOUNT-L@4=VM@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>

Comments: To: Rena Koesler
Comments: cc: Multiple Recipients of

Date: 02-Feb-1994
Posted-date: 02-Feb-1994

I'll be happy to send you the article that Sam LeBarron wrote. I haven't
quite master the FTP technique yet so you may get this in the mail. I do
think this is both a psychologcial and a physical problem as we try to
work out and the shortness of breath still remains. There was a wire
service article about the danger of excess iron in men and how it has been
linked to some cases of cancer. They did not find a similar link with
women because women lose their excess iron, if they have any, during their
menstrual periods. The article stated, a deficiency of iron in the body
can cause anemia and other medical problems. The metal is essentail to
production in the bone marrow of hemoglobin, the element in red blood
cells that carries oxygen to tissues and transports away carbon dioxide
(Can you imagine what that was like at 12,000 ft?).
A shortage of iron can cause shortness of breath, paleness and a weakened
immune system.....the only way to shed excess iron is to bleed: women lose
iron through menstruation." Since I've had my treatment (1000 mg of iron
per day for three months prescribed by my doctor), my partner has noticed that
I'm now cross-country skiing without as much panting for breathe, which I
had previously thought was a sign of just not being in shape. I would
advise seeing your doctor and not waiting for as long as I did (over two
years) to check it out.

Good luck!


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