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Note 44.365 MOUNT-L 365 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 56 lines 29-APR-1994 20:12
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 56 lines 29-APR-1994 20:12
From: STENAR::STENAR::MRGATE::"X400::1=de::2=d400::3=tr::5=EDU::4=METU::4=CC::4=VM::6=owner-mount-l"
Subj: Interesting ventures

From: NAME: Mountaineering Discussion List MOUNT-L
NAME: Stritar

X-Posting-Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 06:01:38 -0400
Original_From: Charles S Houston
Comments: To: Mount L
Original_To: Multiple recipients of list MOUNT-L

Date: 24-Apr-1994
Posted-date: 24-Apr-1994

Since posting my query about the rock climbing exploits of Alexander the
Great's soldiers I've found out something more about these extraordinary
rock towers - the Soghdian Rock, and the Rock of Aornos and of Chorienes.
The descriptions sound like a larger version of the Devil's Tower, but
not volcanic. They are located somewhere in the corner between
Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan and may be accessible for
exploration. This would be an interesting venture for some one to use in
applying for a Mugs Stump or Shipton-Tilman (Goretex) grant. If you would
like more information send me a stamped, self addressed envelope at 77
Ledge Road, Burlington VT 05401, and I'll mail more details.

I'm still looking for some accounts of early mountaineering - before 1500
AD, and preferably older, in any part of the world. Also any
descriptions of mountain sickness prior to 1300 AD. I have quite a bit
after those dates.

On yet another subject, I've recently been told that the moon exerts an
influence, very small to be sure, but detectable, on the atmosphere -
sort of a tide in the air which changes atmospheric pressure with the
phases of the moon. Can some one tell me where I could get more
inmformation about this? There must be an e-mail address or bulletin
board where I could post this inquiry. A far out hypothesis is that such
tides might affect the incidence of mountain sickness and clinical
changes in condition of critically ill patients with lung problems, and
even, possibly SIDS kids. This sort of far out eclectic search should be
ideal for e-mail postings and is almost impossible in conventional searching.
Coupled with such a search could be queries about re-entry and/or
recurrent HAPE. Thanks to david wilson and willie hunt it's clear
that quite a lot of medical information might be gathered by such
I'll be grateful for any help and advice.

charles houston


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