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Note 44.426 MOUNT-L 426 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 51 lines 15-SEP-1994 12:14
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 51 lines 15-SEP-1994 12:14
From: STENAR::STENAR::MRGATE::"X400::1=de::2=d400::3=tr::5=edu::4=metu::4=cc::4=knidos::6=mountainee
Subj: Re: rec.climbing thread

From: FUNC: edu
NAME: mountaineering <6=mountaineering@4=KNIDOS@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>
To: NAME: Multiple recipients of list
FUNC: edu <6=mountaineering@4=KNIDOS@4=CC@4=METU@5=EDU@3=TR@2=D400@1=DE@X400@STENAR>

Precedence: bulk
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas

Date: 12-Sep-1994
Posted-date: 12-Sep-1994

> I would love to see it as a digest.

How would this work? Is it like an archive? Can you follow a thread
in it?

> Does anyone have any information on ways to avoid altitude sickness?
> I did Long's Peak via the Keyhole last week and had some problems when
> I was decending (until I was below about 11,000'). I've been upto about
> 13,000' feet in the past with no problems. Is it a hit or miss type of thing?

I've climbed in Colorado since 1978 and have seen different people react in
the same situation differently. If empiracle data is worth anything, here
is my 2c:
1. Engage in a routine (every other day) long cardiovacular
activity: 1 - 2 hours biking with 1000 - 2500' elevation
gain seems to work well for me. I'm not endorsing biking,
but I have noticed that people who bike alot usually do well
at elevation.
2. Good training at 6000' does not, alone, replace the need to
climb high. I will usually do an easy fourteener early in the
season, then go for the Pyramids, Bells, etc., later when
I have built up a better supply of red blood cells ...
and other physiological changes have occured.
3. In the category of voodoo: I'm not to big on fruit juices and
other acid based liquids while up high .... but this may just
be my own physiological need.


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