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Note 44.491 MOUNT-L 491 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar, IJS,(61)-1885-450" 28 lines 12-JAN-1995 08:11
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar, IJS,(61)-1885-450" 28 lines 12-JAN-1995 08:11
Subj: advice on RMI,Inc.

Date: 12-Jan-1995
Posted-date: 12-Jan-1995

My partner and I are considering enrolling in a
seminar/course on alpine climbing with RMI, the sole
concessionaire for Rainier.
Both of us want to make sure that we are going to get the
type of instruction that will provide a sufficient base to try
alpine ascents on our own in the near future. At the very least we
want to come out of the course with sufficient knowledge to join
a team of experienced alpinists without being a hinderance or
anchor (we prefer to be assets).
Both of us have significant rock climbing and winter
backpacking experience. However, we know little-to-nothing about
ice-climbing, travelling over glaciers (crevasse rescue, etc.),
assessing snow conditions,etc.
If any of you have taken an RMI course, or the course of a
guide service you would recommend for us, please let me know.
Of course, I would prefer responses from those without a
financial interest in the response (i.e. no guide/guideservices
with something to sell)


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