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Note 44.65 MOUNT-L 65 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 19 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:01
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 19 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:01
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 92 16:06:54 EST
Reply-To: Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'
Sender: Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'
From: patrick
Subject: winter in new england

hey everybody. Here I am in New England this fine winter contemplating a
little winter camping. Being a Southern-boy (you know that stupid expression:
American by birth, Southern by the grace of God), I can't say that I'm used to
camping in the North during the winter months. That means SNOW and that means
COLD!! I'm really pumped to go out though and have an excellent time. Here's
the question: if I go romping off into the mountains of New Hampshire or Vermon
t, just how cold is it going to be? And will I need snowshoes? I've never had
to deal with this kind of snow before and I don't know what the trails are like
in the winter as far as that goes. I'd prefer not to spend 90% of my time
trying to snowplow my way though the Whites up to my eyeballs in snow! It's
good exercise, but there are better ways to get around! Thanks for the tips
and good winter playtime to all!
-Patrick (st101471@BROWNVM)


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