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Note 44.70 MOUNT-L 70 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 40 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:02
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 40 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:02
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 92 07:06:00 EDT
Reply-To: "Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'"
Sender: "Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'"
From: "Erich Schlaikjer London 774-2412 Home 0923-854-584"

Subject: Re: winter in new england

I remember being often told, when I was a boy, of how Mt Washington had
some of the worst weather in the world, and how summer hikers in shorts
often died of exposure there. I tended to discount these tales for local
pride, until I read a mountaineering book which said that probably only
Antarctica in the winter produced anything worse! When my father was in
college he came upon a camping party that had been avalanched upon in
Tuckerman's ravine. Only one had gotten out of the tent, in his bedclothes,
and had tried to run back to civilization. His body was so blue, said my
dad, that it didn't look human...

Though I've hiked the region many times, I've only mid-winter camped once,
one Christmastime, with my girlfriend (now wife -- you'd have to marry
someone willing to do this with you). We chose to ski into the Pemigawisset
(sp?) wilderness, in the central part of the White Mountains, and it was
very nice. The trails in that part are built on old train tracks built when
the region was logged, so they make superb cross-country skiing tracks, and
once you get past a half-day hike's distance you don't see another soul.
Skis make snowshoes unnecessary, unless you climb, which we didn't. It was
plenty cold--one heard trees cracking in the night, and double sleeping bags
and thermarests were much appreciated. Watch out when crossing streams; I
always think about Jack London's "To Build a Fire".

Definitely join the AMC if you're going to be in New England long. They're
a sensible group, though I'm sure stern MOUNT-L-ers don't believe much in
groups. At least the AMC tries to limit wear on the trails. There's a big
debate about whether the huts should be dismantled, but I think they're
mostly a good thing. Certainly I felt proud of New England when I visited
King's Canyon in the Sierras and saw how a wilder region was in worse shape
because of pack animals and commercialism. (On the other hand I avoid Mt
Washington & Pinkham Notch in the summer because of the road up the first
and the mobs in the other).

Have fun, and where did you hike/climb in the South?


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